Euthanasia: a difficult decision

Chances are if you are reading this, you care a great deal about your pet. Most of us treat our animals as if they are a part of our families, which is why making a decision involving their lives can be so difficult. If our pets are struggling, it is painful for us, too. Sometimes euthanasia may be the most humane approach in certain situations when your dog, cat, bird or other non-human comrade is not well.


Make no mistake: the decision to euthanize should be well deliberated. Consider listening to multiple veterinarians’ opinions, consulting friends and getting involved in online or local support groups. A well-thought-out decision might not erase the situation being faced, but it most certainly is better than regretting a hasty decision. It may also bring some comfort knowing you are taking the time to think and review your options.


One way to measure the best action to take is to assess quality of life. Here is a useful resource.


Photo Credit: Darnyi Zsóka (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons